There are plenty of things to remember when you're learning to drive, but people who wear glasses need to keep a few extra things in mind. There's nothing wrong with learning to drive while wearing glasses, but you should make sure to follow these four steps.

1. Keep Your Glasses Clean

During day-to-day life, it probably doesn't matter too much how clean you keep your glasses; in fact, even large smudges and marks can be easy to ignore. However, you should make sure the lenses are properly cleaned before you get into the driver's seat.

The most obvious reason to make sure your glasses are spotless is that any imperfections can inhibit your ability to clearly see the road ahead. However, people are often surprised by how much glare their glasses can pick up when not wiped clean. Smudges and marks will catch the light from streetlamps, headlights, taillights, and other sources. This will further impair your ability to see, so to avoid glare is one of the bigger reasons why you should keep your glasses clean.  

2. Bring a Spare Set

If you are legally required to wear glasses to drive, it only makes sense to make sure you have a spare pair whenever you get behind the wheel, including while you're only learning. If you were to lose or break your glasses at any point, you would need your instructor to take over; if the same thing happens when you're licensed to drive alone, you might be stuck somewhere without being able to legally drive home. Bringing a spare set of specs is a good habit to get into.

Of course, one thing you shouldn't do is bring an old pair of glasses. Many people's spare glasses are simply those that are fitted with lenses from an older prescription, but these are not suitable as you won't be able to see as well out of the older prescription. Instead, pick up a cheaper pair that match your current prescription.

3. Pick the Right Frames and Lenses

There aren't any legal parameters in place concerning the shape or size of your glasses, but learners often do better going for glasses that provide larger lenses. When you drive, you need to be able to check the world around you quickly without turning your head too much. Glasses can make this difficult since they tend to reduce your peripheral vision, but this problem can be alleviated by wearing larger lenses.

4. Never Drive Without Them

If you need glasses for any part of daily life, you're almost certainly going to need them when you drive. When you take your driving lessons, don't be tempted to leave your glasses at home. You will be legally required to report your dependence on glasses or contact lenses when you get your learner license, and that requirement will be reported on the license itself. Your driving instructor will not drive with you if you are not wearing corrective eyewear if this is being listed on your license.

For more information and tips on learning how to drive, contact driving schools in your area. 
